Констатация факта без указания на длитель­ность действия

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The Tenses






Perfect Continuous (Progressive)


Констатация факта без указания на длитель­ность действия.

Повторяющееся / ре­гулярное действие.

Ряд последовательных действий

Процесс происходя­щий в определенный момент времени, ко­торый обозначается: а) точным указанием времени; б) другим действием

Действие имевшее место до определен­ного момента вре­мени.

Процесс, который на­чался до определенного момента времени, длился в течение неко­торого периода вплоть до этого момента (ино­гда также во время и после этого момента)

V, V-s

+ They (He) play (plays) chess every Saturday and Sunday.

 They (He) don’t (doesn’t) play chess on Monday.

? Do (Does) they (he) play chess on Wednesday?


is + V-ing

+ They (He) are (is) playing chess now.

 They (He) aren’t (isn’t) playing chess now.

? Are (Is) they (he) playing chess now?


has V3
+ They (He) have (has) just finished a game of chess.

 They (He) haven’t (hasn’t) finished a game of chess yet.

? Have (Has) they (he) finished a game of chess?


has been + V-ing
+ They (He) have (has) been playing chess for three hours.

 They (He) haven’t (hasn’t) been playing chess for two hours.

? Have (Has) they (he) been playing a game of chess for five hours?


V-ed, V2
+ They played chess last Wednesday.
 He didn’t play chess

last Wednesday.

? Did you play chess last Wednesday?


were + V-ing
+ They (I) were (was) playing chess at 7 p.m. yesterday.

 They (he) weren’t (wasn’t) playing chess at 7 p.m. yesterday.

? Were (was) they (he) playing chess at 7 p.m. yesterday?

had + V3
+ They had played chess before we returned.

 They hadn’t played chess before we returned.

? Had they played chess before she returned?

had been + V-ing
+ They had been playing chess for three hours before I came home.

 They had been playing chess for three hours before I came home.

? Had you been playing chess for three hours when I came?


will/shall + V
+ They will play chess next week.
 They won’t play chess next Sunday
? Will they play chess in a week?


will be V-ing
+ They will be playing chess at this time tomorrow.

 They won’t be playing chess at 12 p.m. tomorrow.

? Will they be playing chess at 5 p.m. tomorrow?


will have + V3
+ They will have played chess by the time mother comes.

 They won’t have played chess by the time mother comes.

? Will they have played chess by the time mother comes?


will have been + V-ing
+ They will have been playing for about three hours by the time I come.

 We won’t have been playing for three hours by the time I come.

? Will you have been playing chess for two hours when I come?


would/should + V
+ He said he would play chess next day.
 He said he wouldn’t play chess next Sunday
? He wanted to know if they would play chess next Monday.


should be + V-ing
+ He told us he would be playing chess at this time next day.

 He said they wouldn’t be playing chess at 12 p.m. next Sunday.

? He wondered if they would be playing chess at 5 p.m. next Friday.


should have + V3
+ He thought they would have played chess by the time mother came.

 He said they wouldn’t have played chess by the time mother came.

? He asked if they would have played chess by the time mother came home.


should have been + V-ing
+ He said they would have been playing for two hours by the time I came.

 He said they wouldn’t have been playing for an hour by the time I came.

? She asked if he would have been playing chess for two hours by 7 p.m.

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